Boda Boda Cyclist Arrested With UPDF Dog Tag Chain


A boda boda rider Paul Mugerwa has been arrested and detained at Kawempe police station over alleged illegal possession of a Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) chain commonly known as dog tag.   

Mugerwa, a resident of Kiganda Zone in Kawempe Division, Kampala was arrested by police officers deployed at Paniafrica Company Limited when they saw him wearing the UPDF chain, which contains the registration number and name of individual UPDF soldiers.   

The officers questioned Mugerwa on the particulars of the chain but he had no idea – leading to his arrest and subsequent detention at Kawepe police station. 

The name tag belongs to R/A214238 Deo Nandyaka, a UPDF soldier. In his statement at Kawempe police station, Mugerwa claims that he picked the chain from Big Brother House bar in Kawempe. 

Deputy Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson, Luke Owoyesigire, says that Mugerwa is being held on charges of illegal possession of government stores as police try to track the owner of the UPDF chain.urn


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