Two Police Officers Arrested For Brutalizing FDC Supporters


The Territorial Police in East Kyoga has arrested two of its officers on allegations of gross misconduct and excessive use of force that caused physical harm while dispersing off Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) supporters in Soroti Municipality.

According to Uganda Police Spokesperson Fred Enanga, on January 20, 2020 at around 12:30pm, they received information regarding an unlawful gathering at the Independent gardens by the FDC Party and the officers led by the DPC tried to disperse it off since the opposition party had not formally notified authorities.

“After two hours, at around 2:30pm, a procession of 4 motor vehicles came driving along the main street of Soroti. They drove towards Serere road; and parked in the middle of the road, adjacent to the public gardens. The FDC Party President, Hon. Amuriat Patrick Oboi, started addressing people who had gathered alongside the road using a microphone. When our officers arrived and tried to engage them, they locked the car doors and switched off the car engines,” said Enanga in a statement on Wednesday.

“They eventually drove off towards the new market, where they again parked their vehicles blocking the road, and disrupting other road users. This prompted the deployment of a Fire Fighting truck, to tow away the vehicles that had blocked the road. It is at this stage that, the driver of M/v UAN 637S, blocked the Fire Fighting truck from the rear and prevented it from reversing to tow the motor vehicle which was carrying the FDC Party President.”

Enanga further said as a result, police started effecting arrests but one of the occupants in Toyota Ipsum, identified as Okeng Abdul, turned violent and confronted PC Mutenga Denis. He was however, subdued and led to the patrol car, but managed to escape. The hunt for him is on.

“The other suspects who included; Hon. Amuriat Patrick Oboi, Eigu Daniel and Okwir Justine Kokas, were charged with participating in a procession without notifying police, as required under section 5 of the POMA. In addition, Aisu Joseph Akol was charged with malicious damage to property under Sec.335 of the PCA, after he knocked and damaged the police sign post.

“We have meanwhile charged our officers ASP Sibomana Gerald and PC, Mutengu Denis with Assault, Torture and irregular conduct, which clearly demonstrates our resolve to robustly address all forms of criminal behavior and abuse of authority, to purposely uphold high standards of our policing.”


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