Bitter IGP Ochola Axe Six Police Directors


The Inspector General of Police Martin Okoth Ochola has ordered six senior police directors whose contracts expired at the end of last year to hand over their offices to their deputies not exceeding (today) Friday.

This new order has left the most affected officers bitter with the current police leadership calling it inefficient and unappreciative. The chased senior police officers include, AIGP Asuman Mugenyi the Director of Operations, AIGP Dr Stephen Kasiima Director Traffic and road safety, AIGP Joseph Mugisa Director Fire and rescue services, AIGO Lemmy Twinomugisha Director Welfare and production, Hajji Moses Balimwoyo Director in charge of Interpol and International relations and AIGP Erasmus Twaruhukwa Director legal and human rights.

The document which we reached from the IGP Instructing police officers to vacate office reads

“Records available indicate that your three year contract that was offered to you on the 21st November, 2016 expired,” reads part of the letter which Ochola wrote to directors with expired contracts.

The letter further reads, “As we await the result of the renewal process, you are to hand over that office to your Deputy in any case by Friday 24th January 2020,”

Ochola further instructed the Joint Chief of Staff to provide over the hand over and take over.

IGP Ochola wanted the Directors with expired contracts to vacate their offices until the Police Authority or the President renews their Contracts.  “I told them last year that when their contracts are not renewed, they will vacate their offices pending the renewal,” senior police officer told recently.

“You see we had a challenge with AIGP Godfrey Bangirana, his contract expired and he remained in office, he was dragged to court later ordered to get out and police as an institution was put on spotlight,”  a source heard Ochola saying.

The source further says Ochola added that he does not want such scenario to happen again in Police, which he leads.

Early this year, Ochola summoned officers with expired contracts to prepare to hand over offices to their deputies pending the renewal of their contracts. Insiders added that when Directors learnt that Ochola was against them, they used their political means and approached the Minister of Internal affairs Gen Jeje Odongo to allow them stay in offices pending contract renewal.

Gen Odongo on 7th January 2020, wrote to IGP Ochola ordering him to allow affected officers stay in office until the appointing Authority makes a decision.

“In order not to disrupt continuity of serve, particularly at this time, this guide you to allow the concerned/affected officers stay in office until the appointing Authority determines otherwise,” reads part of the letter Minister Odongo wrote to IGP Ochola.SR

when Ochola realized that he was beaten hands down, he also on the same date


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