IGP Ochola Fires Traffic Boss AIGP Kasiima,Hands Over Office UnderTight Security


Traffic Police Director, Dr Steven Kasiima, over the weekend handed over office a day after the Inspector General of Police Martin Ochola ordered him and five others to vacate office upon expiry of their contracts.

At the rank of Assistant Inspector General of Police –AIGP, Kasiima and six of his colleagues had no contracts over the last one year and have been working on a promise letter issued by Internal Affairs Minister Jeje Odongo.

The others are; AIGPs Erasmus Twaruhukwa, the Director of Legal Affairs, Lemmy Twinomugisha, the Director for Welfare and Production, Joseph Mugisa-The Director Fire and Emergency Rescue Services, Police Attaché to New York Haruna Isabirye and Interpol Special Representative to African Union Francis Rwego.

The directors have been waiting for the renewal of their contracts since the departure of former IGP Gen Kale Kayihura from office.

The Police Authority chaired by Gen Odongo perused through their applications for renewal of contracts and submitted their names to President Yoweri 3 for reappointment.

On Friday, Ochola advised that they all step aside until the appointing authority responds to the recommendation.

“As we await the result of the renewal process, you are to handover that office to your deputy in any case by Friday, January 24,  2020. Attached is a copy of a letter by the honourable minister Internal Affairs basically on the same” IGP Ochola’s directive reads.

Kasiima handed over the office Saturday to his deputy Commissioner of Police Bazir Mugisha.

The handover was presided over by Police’s Joint Chief of Staff Brig Jack Bakashumba at Nateete Traffic Headquarters.urn




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