ISO,Police Arrest 60 Kifeesi Gang Leaders In Kampala City Deadly Operation


The Criminal gangs were arrested in areas of Arua Park, Kiseka Market, Owin Market, Katwe, Mutasa Kafero Street, Kibuye, Clock tower among others during an abrupt operation that was conducted by Police and Internal Security Organization (ISO).

Luke Owoyesigyire the Deputy Police spokesperson for Kampala Metropolitan said the petarion followed numerous complainsts of theft and robberies in Kampala.

“Beginning mid-December up to date, cases of theft and robberies have increased in Kampala and this has put security on alert,” he said, adding, that the police conducted a joint secret operation to have the criminal gangs arrested and prosecuted.

“We managed to arrest top criminal gangs whom we believe have been behind these robberies and theft in Kampala,” he noted.

He added that the operation would continue until all students have gone back to school.

“Most of these criminal gangs target students who are going back to school and rob them of cash and other valuables like phones, nice bags, shoes among others,” he added.

He further said the criminal gangs will help police to allocate the areas where their colleagues are hiding. “After investigations they will appear before Courts of law on several charges that include robbery, theft,” he states.


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