Kabale Catholic Priest Found Dead In A Hotel

Rev Fr. Dr Vincent Musabyimana, a priest attached to Kabale Diocese has been found dead in the United States of America.
Father Musabyimana, 52, was found dead on Thursday night in his room at Saint Veronica Parish in South San Francisco.Musabyimana had gone to America to pursue a postdoctoral degree in Catholic Educational Leadership at the University of San Francisco.

Monsignor Silverio Twinomugisha, the vicar general of Kabale Diocese, says that Musabyimana’s body was discovered by priests after he failed to turn up for a flight back to Uganda, prompting his fellow priests to look for him. To their shock, he had breathed his last, from his room.

The deceased had no signs of illness before his death, according to his colleagues. Twinomugisha describes the deceased who served as the former dean of St. Paul’s Seminary Rushoroza as a humble, cheerful, compassionate and intellectually gifted man of God.

The Church is already making arrangements to return his body home for burial.u.r.n

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