Gen.Salim Saleh Denies Participating In The Demolition Of Ndeeba Church


Gen. Salim Saleh, the chief coordinator of operation wealth creation has denied allegations in front of  the House of Bishops from the Anglican faith of being behind  the demolition of St Peters Church Ndeeba in Kampala.

Calm Saleh invited the Anglican Church leaders to react on public rumors especially on social media which linked him to heartless people who demolished Ndeeba church on Sunday night.

The 49- year- old structure was sitting on land whose ownership had been contested in the Courts of law.

Gen.Saleh told House of Bishops led by Archbishop Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu at Kawanda Research Institute, that he was saddened by allegations that he was behind the extinction of the church.

“I swear before you in the name of God that I am not involved in the church demolition issues” Gen Salim said in an engagement on wealth creation and agriculture.

Saleh said government would pump shs 50 billion in Operation Wealth Creation projects for the bishops.

The yet to be confirmed information puts city businessman Lodoviko Mwanje to be the rightful owner of the land where Church was.


1 Comment

  1. Kamurasi Arinaitwe samuel on

    Church leaders should strengthen preaching. If people can vividly attack and demolish the house of Lord then the world is soon reaching an end. It means people are not believers and don’t know the purpose of living they have been taken away by worldly things. So we have to tie and strongly strengthen preaching so that people get to know that God is not a joking material because what we possess come from him he’s the creator gives and takes