Poverty Eradication In Buganda: Hajjat Uzeiye Delivers President Museveni’s Handout To Bukomansimbi Residents


The Senior Presidential Advisor on Political Affairs also head of the Office of the NRM National Chairman (ONC) Kyambogo, Hajjat Hadijjah Namyalo Uzeiye has delivered President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni’s handout to the people of Bukomansimbi District.

Hajjat Uzeiye, the chief guest at the Women’s Day and NRM’S/ NRA day celebrations held at Bigasa Primary School playground in Bukomansimbi was welcomed by the Deputy RDC Pax Kalema, who said the people of Bukomansimbi still trust President Museveni, and said they are ready to re-elect him in 2026.

Speaking to a gathering, Namyalo said she decided to bring goods to the people of Bukomansimbi to enable them to get out of poverty, after receiving complaints from residents that goods sent by the government do not reach the common man.

“I have delivered the consignment on behalf of the President and these are aimed at eradicating poverty among the people of Bukomansimbi. He is not boosting the district agricultural sector on behalf of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) party, but he is doing it as the President of the country,” She said.

Some of the things delivered by Hajjat Uzeiye

“I have brought 200 chickens and 15 bags of their feed for 20 families each, 2 High Breed goats for 20 families too, Sewing machines for those who cannot farm and saloon materials, i.e haircut machines and Dryers for our girls who work in salons to uplift their incomes. The things we have given you are not for sale, use them to get rid of poverty” she added.

She added that her office will make a follow-up to ensure that the items given are used properly, as well as to ensure that the chickens and goats are well cared for by the recipients.

The chairperson Women’s Council Bukomansimbi District Ms Ansilah Kavuma said that women in Bukomansiombi have decided to get directly involved in every government program and most of them no longer beg their husbands, they deal with most of the family issues.

Earlier, Hajjat Namyalo first visited the Buddu County Chief Pookino Jude Muleke, who welcomed her and they had a closed-door meeting, after which they spoke to the media.

Some of the consignments delivered by Uzeiye

It was from here that Hajjat Uzieye called upon the youth district to control their sexual urge and take their lives seriously.

“You (youths) are gambling with your lives while sleeping with many people whose statuses you don’t know. HIV and AIDS don’t discriminate among people and the political party you support. If you feel that you cannot control your sex urge, please use condoms,” Namyalo said on Tuesday (April 25) while addressing bodaboda cyclists shortly after paying a courtesy visit to the Buddu County cultural head, Jude Pookino Mulekele, at the Ssaza headquarters.

Namyalo noted that everyone can get infected with HIV if they are careless with their life, adding that a majority of the bodaboda cyclists take their lives for granted, not only on the road but with people whom they sleep with sometimes. 

Hajjat Uzeiye in Pokino’s office

“Please control your sex urge and stick to one partner, but if you can’t stick to him or her, use a condom. If you don’t have enough condoms, I will deliver them to your nearest health centre,” Namyalo said. 

She appealed to the women as well not to be driven by money because it be misleading. 

“You might want quick money to solve your problems but be reminded that you might get that sh10,000 in a few minutes but your life might never be the same again,” Namyalo said. 

Recently, Namyalo on behalf of President Yoweri Museveni, purchased 1500 Kabaka Birthday Run kits worth UGX30 million for the youths so that they could take part in the run which aims at creating awareness on the ending the prevalence of HIV and AIDS in Buganda and Uganda at large. 

Hajjat Uzeiye with Kabaka’s representative in Buddu

Pookino Muleke praised the relationship between the NRM National Chairman and Buganda and urged the youth to work hard and take care of their health to avoid the spread of AIDS among the youth.




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