Senator Bob Menendez Indictment: Why Uganda, Africa Should Shun Bobi Wine,Similar Politicians


New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez was indicted on September 22, 2023, marking the second time in a decade that he has faced corruption charges. Senator Menendez, who has close ties to Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine, is facing allegations of accepting bribes from three New Jersey businessmen.

According to the US Attorney’s office in Manhattan, Menendez allegedly accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars, including cash, gold bars, mortgage payments, compensation for a fictitious job, and a luxury vehicle, in exchange for using his position and influence to benefit the government of Egypt and interfere with law enforcement investigations involving the businessmen.

In 2015, Senator Menendez was charged with conspiracy, bribery, and honest services fraud, allegedly for abusing the power of his office.

Africa has been targeted by these human rights-masquerading activists pursuing personal or neo-colonial interests. They pretend to be fighting corruption when, in actuality, they are corrupt themselves, and their agents are always opposition politicians. Senator Bob Menendez has been funding Bobi Wine in Uganda and advocating for insurrection to remove the legitimately elected government. Many say that the shamed senator was targeting Uganda’s oil, as he has done in several African and Middle Eastern countries.

As the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Menendez established new foreign policies aimed at changing governments in Cuba, China, Russia, Iran, Syria, and other African countries. In 2013, he led the Foreign Relations Committee to unanimously pass a resolution to allow the American President to use military force in Syria.

Senator Menendez temporarily stepped down as the foreign relations committee chairman after the indictment but could not heed the numerous calls by other senators that he resign as the New Jersey Senator.

“Leaders in New Jersey, including the Governor and my Senate colleague Cory Booker, have made it clear that Sen. Menendez can no longer serve. He should step down,” Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin wrote on Twitter.

In 2020, Menendez condemned the arrest of then presidential candidate Robert Kyagulanyi and called for sanctions against Ugandan government officials, as well as calling on the USA to stop funding Uganda. This was after he (Kyagulanyi) carried out rallies,violating the Ministry of Health guidelines where scientific campaigns were suggested to replace rallies due to the COVID-19 virus that was ravaging the world and killing more than 3500 Ugandans.

The senator made no mention of a group of NUP hooligans who burned down Kampala and attacked citizens in November 2020.

Senator Bob Mendenez and Bobi Wine, according to international reports, have been involved in drug trading and money laundering. Bobi Wine has been disguising his operations as raising funds to assist NUP prisoners, although none of them have received assistance after receiving the funds. Bobi Wine’s luxurious life and endless overseas trips under the guise of ‘the struggle’ are something many have not questioned but definitely should.

Ugandans should not be surprised if Bobi Wine appears on the wanted list in connection to Mendenez’s charges.

It is high time Ugandans shun politicians like Bobi Wine and his funders; they have no good will for our sovereignty and therefore do not practice what they preach.explorer


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