Parliament Rejects UNBS Budget Due to Lack of Detailed Breakdown


During a session held on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) failed to provide sufficient justification for their budget allocation of Shs3.363 billion designated for general goods and services.

Presenting the Ministerial Policy Statement and Budget Estimates for the fiscal year 2024/2025 to the Committee on Tourism, Trade, and Industry, UNBS, led by Acting Executive Director Daniel Nangalama, faced scrutiny from legislators who found their explanations lacking.

Mwine Mpaka, the committee chairperson, expressed disappointment with UNBS’s inability to justify key budget items, notably the allocation for general goods and services and travel expenses totalling Shs3.363 billion and Shs2.7 billion, respectively.

Mpaka criticized the agency’s inability to provide a detailed breakdown of these allocations, stating, “Most of them have been requesting for more time.”

In response, Nangalama and the UNBS team agreed to review the budget and return with a more comprehensive explanation.

Richard Gafabusa, the Bwamba County Member of Parliament, echoed Mpaka’s concerns, emphasizing the importance of agencies defending their budgets for accountability.

Francis Mwijukye, the MP for Buhweju County, questioned why several entities struggled to defend their budgets, speculating whether the transition from sector to programme budgeting was confusing.

The lack of detailed explanation led to the dismissal of UNBS’s budget allocation, highlighting the significance of transparency and accountability in budgetary matters.


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