Ambassador Dickson Ogwang Okul Receives Lango Cultural Mantle


On Monday, June 3rd, 2024, His Highness the Won Nyaci of Lango, Mzee Yocam Odur Ebii invited Ambassador Dickson Ogwang Okul to give him blessings and asked him to start the lawful process of taking over Lango Cultural Leadership as Won Nyaci of Lango. This follows His Highness’ recent notice of abdication on 1st November 2024.

This was done in a private meeting and ceremony at the Palace of His Highness at Teboke, Apac District.

The event was witnessed by The Senior Advisor to His Highness; Frederick Ogwal Oyee, the Awitong of the famous Inomo Clan, and Dr Laury Lawrence Ocen, Awitong, Okarowok Wibye Acel. Also present was Awitong Anthony Olobo, the Son to H.H, and Millie Odur, Daughter and caretaker of His Highness Yocam Odur.

Ambassador Ogwang, who had earlier declined calls from other Lango Elders to vie for Lango Cultural Leadership, humbly accepted H.H. the Won Nyaci’s challenge and relieved blessings from the Paramount Chief.

The Won Nyaci tasked his Son to give support to Ambassador Ogwang Okul, to which the latter happily pledged his unwavering support to Dickson Ogwang Okul.

Amb. Ogwang Okul promised H. H. the Won Nyaci that he would now go out and follow all legal steps in preparation for a lawful, peaceful, and humble takeover of the Lango Cultural Throne of Won Nyaci come November 1st. 2024.


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