CMI Raids City Church, Arrests 40 Rwandan Spies In Prayers


Security agencies in Kampala have arrested Over 40 Rwandan nationals on suspicion of being Spies.

The arrests happened when a joint security team raided a church in Kibuye, on Entebbe Road and apprehended worshipers who were only Rwandese.

The operation was led by officers from chieftaincy of military intelligence backed up by Uganda police.

Ugandan Security agencies say they received intelligence that the suspects were planning to overthrow the current Ugandan government.

All suspects were rounded off while they were busy conducting a meeting and whisked to yet to be known place.

When we contacted UPDF spokesperson, Brig Richard Karemire, feigned ignorance of such operations.

‘Am not aware of such arrests may be I will brief you fully when I get details’ he said.

Uganda and Rwanda have been having bad blood since April began to the extent that Rwanda had to close her borders with Uganda to cut off economic ties.


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