Court Throws Out Police Boss Bangirana From Office


Court has ordered the Assistant Inspector General of Police Godfrey Bangirana to temporarily vacate office citing lack of a valid contract.

High court judge Henrietta Wolayo held that the order shall stay in force until determination of the main case in which Bangirana is accused of illegally holding office.

However, justice Wolayo declined to issue an order stopping the Police authority from renewing Bangirana’s contract.

Mr Bangirana, a Police director in charge of engineering and logistics is allegedly holding office illegally after his contract expired in July.

He is sued jointly with the Attorney General (AG) who is the chief legal representative of government.

Justice Wolayo has also ordered Mr David Mushabe, the lawyer representing the complainant, Isaac Maddo to extract hearing notices for the main case.

Maddo, describing himself as a concerned citizen is seeking for declaratory orders that Mr Bangirana’s stay in office is unlawful and that he refunds the salary and emoluments received while in office illegally.

Through his lawyers of Kirya and Company Advocates, Mr Maddo filed the case in his own right as a tax payer against the accused parties in public interest seeking for declaratory orders.

He alleges that the continued receipt of salary and emoluments by Mr Bangirana while in office is unlawful and a wastage of government resources.

“On July 16, 2019, the contract of the second defendant (Bangirana) expired and was directed by the Inspector General of Police to hand over and vacate office as his continued stay would raise several queries from the public service,” reads the court document alleging that Mr Bangirana did not handover office. Instead the permanent secretary in the Ministry of internal affairs reportedly directed his stay.

Mr Bangirana is one of the four directors whose contracts are pending renewal by the appointing authority. Other directors among them the director of welfare, traffic and the director for fire and rescue services.source DM


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