Money,Property Lost As Fire Guts Mbale Waragi Factory


Uganda Police Force in Mbale district is investigating circumstances where several people were almost left lifeless during a fire outbreak at an alcohol processing plant in Wangagai Cell, Nkoma Division in Mbale Municipality.

It is alleged that some employees sustained severe injuries and were rushed to Mbale Regional Referral Hospital following a fire outbreak at a Waragi processing plant in Northern Division.

According to eye witnesses, the fire started at 7:30pm but none knew the cause of the fire, however, residents claim it could have started from one of the workers who was smoking.

Spy Uganda has learnt that residents of Bujoloto cell didn’t know that there was a waragi processing plant in the area. Simon Kizza one of the residents said that new investors in the area should always inform the local people about the business they intend to operate in their areas to avoid the dangers that may arise from such businesses.

Residents further said that the house was initially a hostel for university students and a parking yard however, it was only restricted to staff because of the tight security.

Andrew Bongole, one of the residents who helped police to manage the fire, said they thought they were saving fuel since the building was a parking yard but to their surprise it was waragi that had caught fire.

Police is on ground and yet to establish the cause of the abrupt fires.


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