Arch Bishop Ntagali Enthrones New West Lango Diocese Bp Julius Ceaser


The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, The Most Rev Stanley Ntagali has today consecrated and enthroned Rt Rev Julius Ceaser Nina as the 2nd Bishop of West Lango Diocese in a service held at St. Peter’s Cathedral, Aduku ceremonial grounds.

Archbishop Ntagali called upon Christians of West Lango Diocese to pray for their new Bishop and his wife Mama Janet, to love and offer them the necessary support as their Pastor and Chief Shepherd in order for him to develop the diocese further.

He called upon Bishop Nina to to serve all people irrespective of their social status and levels of understanding.

“My brother Bishop Nina, God has called you to be a pastor, teacher, preacher and counsellor to all people of this Diocese. This is a high calling and you will entirely depend on the guidance of the Holy Spirit in order to listen to all people irrespective of their levels of understanding. Be a Shepherd and a Pastor to all including those who will not agree with you and God will guide you in your work.” Ntagali said

In his Charge, Bishop Nina pledged to focus on Mission and evangelism, improve education and health infrastructure with support from the Diocesan Synod, Christians and well wishers.

He pledged to work closely with the government to transform the livelihoods of the people of West Lango Diocese.

The Chief Guest, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni who was represented by Hon Betty Amongi applauded Church of Uganda for supporting the government in the development of the country through establishment of schools, hospitals and establishing income generating projects at household levels.

He pledged a vehicle to the new Bishop and promised to deliver it as soon as possible.

Christians from West Lango Diocese bought a brand new pick up vehicle for their Bishop to ease his pastoral work with in the Diocese.

Bishop Nina was elected on 27th August 2019 during the House of Bishops of the Church of Uganda meeting at Namirembe Guest House

He has succeed the Rt. Rev. Alfred Acur, the 1st Bishop of West Lango Diocese.

Before his election, Venerable Julius Ceaser Nina served as the Archdeacon of Kiryandongo Archdeaconry in Masindi-Kitara Diocese.

Prior to this position, he served as Diocesan Secretary and Diocesan Treasurer of Masindi-Kitara Diocese, and also as Diocesan Treasurer and Diocesan Education Secretary of Bunyoro-Kitara Diocese.

Bishop Nina is married to Janet Nina and God has blessed them with four children.


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