Catholic Church Consecrates New Kasese Diocese Priests


Kasese Catholic diocese has received new servants in the Vineyard of the Lord after two priests were ordained at Nsenyi Catholic parish on Sunday.

The ordained include Seminarian Brian Masereka who was ordained Deaconate and Rev. Dn. Cleus Muhindo, who was ordained to the Order of priesthood.

One of the priests who were ordained

The two were part of the 15 Ordinances; of who 12 were Ordained to Deaconate, and 3 to priesthood, which is historical for Kasese Catholic diocese.

Bishop Aquinas Kibira with one of the Ordinands

Among the 12 deacons, the Bishop ordained Twins as deacons who are Rev Dns. Kato and Isingoma Katuramu.

Currently one is deployed at St. Paul’s National Major Seminary Kinyamasika and the other at St. Mary’s National Major Seminary Ggaba for their last Theology year.

One of the newly ordained priests kneels before Bishop Kibira to receive the Sacrament of Priesthood

Rt Rev. Francis Aquinas Kibira, the ordinary Bishop of the diocese organised led the ceremony as the diocese celebrated the Ordination day anniversary and the life of the first Mukonzo priest Msgr Augustine Muhindo (RIP) who was ordained when Kasese was still part of the Catholic diocese of Fort Portal.


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