Col Stephen Ebulu the UPDF recruitment team three leader covering northern region told the youthful candidates who turned up to be recruited into UPDF, that the number one disease to avoid as they enter the force is corruption. “It is important to preach corruption in every gathering including those who want to join service of the people so that they understand and stay away from it, since it doesn’t develop the nation but rather personality. It is totally different from the military principles because soldiers don’t work for personal gain the but the public” Col Ebulu emphasised
He added that When it comes to recruitment in the UPDF, candidates must know that there is no room for corruption, saying that patriots are those who are selfless and can sacrifice for others and this is what a recruit of the UPDF must begin to train on. He informed the recruits that there is no payment of money in order to join the UPDF, and that anyone found doing it will be punished.
The Col also advised those who did not qualify to go back to school and live a responsible life to remain focused if they are to achieve their dreams.
More than 1000 prospective candidates turned up to compete for the sixty one slots meant for the four districts of Gulu, Amuru, Omoro and Nwoya at pace stadium.
Team three will be heading to Kitgum tomorrow 30th Dec 2019 ti recruit from Kitgum and Lamwo districts at Kitgum district Headquarters