Kanyamunyu Murder Trial Adjourned

The trial of a city business man Mathew Kanyamunyu which was slated for today at the High Court registry has been adjourned to October 27, 2020 .

Mr Kanyamunyu is charged alongside his girlfriend Cynthia Munangwari and his brother Joseph Kanyamunyu for murdering a social worker Kenneth Akena on November 12, 2016 along Lugogo by pass.

The trial was expected to be heard by judge Steven Mubiru didn’t take place on the grounds that he didn’t have enough time to handle any criminal case in Kampala because he was engaged in Gulu doing other judicial work.

Justice Steven Mubiru has already handled 12 witnesses from the Akena’s relatives, police officers and  government Analyst Robinah Kirinya who examined police exhibits and found out that they had gun powder and matching DNA.

Judge Mubiru has been allocated 40 high profile criminal cases which he will  dispose off within 45 days after Judiciary brought new strategy to reduce case backlog.

The Judiciary Public Relations Officer Jameson Karemani said that adjournment of  the case Kanyamunyu’s murder case to October, 27, 2020 will give the trial judge enough time to handle the matter when he is fresh and Judiciary will have gathered enough funds needed to enable the smoth running of the sessions.

Due to Covid-19 pandemic, judiciary recommended such cases will be handled in the court registry chambers with limited number of people to avoid the spread of this deadly disease.


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