CSOs, NIM Discuss Emancipation Of Women,Youth & PWDs In Society


The Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) together with other Civil society organizations of Akina Mama Wa Africa (AMWAA), Centre for Constitutional Governance (CCG), Uganda Parliamentary Forum on Youth Affairs(UPFYA) among others have gathered in Entebbe to deliberate on how best CSOs in democracy, Governance and accountability spaces can set a minimum Agenda for youth, Women and PWDs in politics.

How further they can address the challenges affecting Civic space.

While addressing the participants, NIMD’s Country Director, Mr Frank Rusa, gives of the background of this engagement. Our philosophy is about building safe spaces for conversations for political and Civic actor, segments of society in an attempt to find some common solutions. We work with Countries to develop home grown solutions, we encourage Dialogue.

NIMD’s focus is multi-sectoral approach of dialogue, youth, Women, PWDs inclusion. We hope to launch the democracy academy soon that will be an incubator o train different individuals.

CSO has a wide variety of resources and capacity but it has not yet tapped into this to explore the best. The Future of our Country Uganda will depend on respecting opinions, views and engagements. The responsibility to shape our continent and our country is ourselves.

Framework to maximize signage and minimum viable actions we can take so as to take us to results we need, Rusa says.

Furthermore, we need to things that have linkages and can help to build upon what different organizations are doing not leaving it in reports.

How do we make use of potential that we have as a country so that in the future they can be able to lead and hold the nation. Asks NIMD’s Country Director, Mr Frank Rusa to participants.

The Program Manager , Mr Primus Bahiigi asks participants to share on what they think can be the best practical practices that can enable youth, Women and PWDs to become better leaders of this country.

The CSO leaders retreat is ongoing up to Friday 24th March 2023.


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