Hajjat Namyalo Uzeiye Launches Poverty Eradication Campaign In Kampala, Donates Items Worth Millions


The Special Presidential Advisor on Political Affairs also head of the Office of the National Chairman (ONC) – Kyambogo Hajjat Hadijah Namyalo Uzeiye has interacted with residents from all divisions in Kampala including Boda boda riders, food vendors and the unemployed youth among others.

At the function that took place on Wednesday 03, May 2023 at Bat Valley Primary School playground in Kampala Central division, Uzeiye was accompanied by her ONC counterparts including the D/Public Relations Dr Brenda Jessica Tibamwenda, Head Mobilization Ms Rosette Kazaire, among others.

They interacted with different groups and residents from all divisions of Kampala Capital City, who included Bodaboda riders, food vendors, ghetto people, sex workers, PWDs, the unemployed youths, among others.

Hajjat Uzeiye [M] with Dr Brenda [R] at the function

“I continued my engagement with city dwellers especially those engaged in informal sector jobs. Groups like boda boda riders, PWDs, hairdressers, and artisans were all represented. Our meeting at Bat Valley Primary School centred on solving challenges to their “hustles,” Uzeiye said.

According to the SPA, the engagement was focused on the challenges affecting their livelihoods and how the president can help them boost productivity.

“It is clear that ending corruption will go a long way in allowing government programs benefit ordinary Ugandans. This will also empower our people. We are lucky that our National Chairman H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni Tibuhaburwa Akiiki has made the fight against corruption his main focus,” Uzeiye added.

She donated business equipment including Sewing machines, saloon dryers & clippers, and Haircutting machines, among others.

“This is just a takeoff of a broader plan by the NRM National Chairman to transform his people economically. Therefore, utilize these things we have given you well to uplift yourself economically” She said.

Some of the items for donation

Hajjat Namyalo however, encouraged the youth and leaders to start demanding accountability of funds injected into government programmes like Emyooga, the Parish Development Model, especially in Kampala where the money ends up in the pockets of a few technocrats leaving the Bazzukulu poor.

“It’s their right to demand for accountability and to know where their money is; we need to know where the money is or if someone stole it we also know him or her. In Kampala, we are hated but this is because of the thieves in government. I know you will look for me, you kill me but there is no one who signed a life sentence with God. I don’t fear you thieves” She added.

Saloon Machines

She also promised to extend their concerns raised to H.E. the President of the Republic of Uganda Gen. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni who is also the NRM National Chairman for tangible solutions.

She added that the engagement will continue as the National Chairman continues to provide solutions to problems affecting his people.

Some of the NRM Supporters at Bat Valley

Some of the Ghetto boys that accompanied ONC Boss at the function in Kampala


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