Five Students Arrested In Makerere University Over Possession Of Narcotic Substances


Police at Wandegeya Station is holding five Makerere university students after being found in possession of Narcotic substances.

Police Spokesperson Fred Enanga identified the suspects as George Oroma, 26, doing quantitative economics; Julius Peter Joke, 25, and Emmy Ekyana, 26, a law student ,others are Fred Okot, who is doing business administration at Makerere University Business School and Emmanuel Odong of Uganda Christian University.

Enanga said the suspects were arrested from block Q, intraroom number 3, at Makerere University campus, using these unwanted substances.                         “Their files have been sent to resident state attorney for legal advice before we take them to court”,he said.

Enanga warned youth from engaging into such illegal acts of using drugs, alcohol and sex which can ruin Thier future.


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