Open Letter To Hon.Kyagulanyi Ssentamu Robert aka BobiWine


Dear Hon. Kyagulanyi, I wish to extend my sincerely greetings to you and your family, to the National Unity Platform and the entire opposition in general.

Mr. Kyagulanyi, allow me also to make a few concerns to you in your capacity since you’re the true face of opposition on our motherland in regards to your recently public rally gathering you have conducted across the country.

Mr. Kyagulanyi, your first 2-3 public rallies mostly you held in western and eastern Uganda were on point of change, back to central region, I don’t know who advised you to change your speech from speaking sense to nothing.
As I always say, that since we’re fighting a dictator whose actions and mission is well known almost by all Ugandans, we should avoid to look and behave like him.
A man who is looking to marry a divorced woman must make sure that he avoids the mistakes done before by his predecessor.
As an opposition fella, I have an obligation to listen carefully to whoever comes upfront to lead us onto the promised land, and the same thing happened on the fateful day you conducted the historical rally in Luwero.
In your bitter speech, you categorically mentioned out how the Baganda people have been tortured, killed, and being sidelined by Museveni ever since he came, you sounded to be true only to those who are looking for political positions and uninformed supporters.
The people of Northern part would or will tell you how they struggled with this govt close to 20 years.
Back to Luwero, your speech was uncalled for, as a person who is eyeing to lead a country which has more than 50 tribes, would be in know that being a Muganda doesn’t mean that when you become a president you will not serve and lead Baganda alone.
You pointed the issue of Kadama’s and you surprised me when you stated out that it’s only the Baganda people going to Arab countries, this is a total lie because as a person who has been in those countries know it better that all tribes from Uganda are their looking for money, we have people from different countries including their fellow Arabs from Bangladesh, Pakistan working in those countries as Kadama’s
You raised the would be the key point on your speech the issue of Banyarwanda being everywhere and in every sector, but I want Also to remind you that Banyarwanda are part of Ugandans pursuant to 1995 Constitution who’s are entitled to all benefits.
Much as we may have disagreements with some people, but we can’t generalize all since not all westerners are doing well in this govt, there is no way how you could point at Banyarwanda when the key persons around you are no different, being a Rwandese is never been a problem, let’s continue preaching love, sense and humanity amongst, no reasonable person will entrust us with such hate and harmful speeches.
The people around you are the most dangerous if at all they fear to correct you where you go wrong, to date, am questioning whether you have a political handler and what exactly is doing if they can let you make such recklessly statement without control.
Eventually, I wouldn’t have any problem with you in making statements on Museveni and Muhoozi, but my disagreement with you is how you do it, you have no reason to why you should abuse, assault Muhoozi openly to that extent, there are so many other ways how you can address to him and the message reach to him without assaulting him, he’s someone’s son, a husband and a leader somewhere, just like you reacted when it happened to your son at Kisubi where you reached to an extent of attacking the school boss because your son was punished for his acts.

My last submission to this matter, I request you and all your supporters to change on the mode of communication most especially when the chance to address such crowds happens, we need change but am afraid that people may not entrust us with power.
Excitement, anger and ignorance will not do us a favor, but only to lead us behind.
Quote me well, I’m not against you but I’m against your hateful campaign, people may not openly come out to tell you about this, but put it in your mind that many people are not okay with it and I’m representing many who are unable to speak.

Mulindwa Andrew is a political activist, human rights lawyer and a peace loving Ambassador.