OP-ED: Teach Ugandans National Anthem – Restore Morals

By Costa Nantume

Kampala: Uganda is one of the Countries with a good National Anthem, it’s the Country’s Prayer lyrics. If well interpreted by the natives, the Anthem’s message can help to increase patriotism among Ugandans.

According to a study from Makerere University’s College of Education and External Studies, 42% of Ugandans can sing the national anthem and 90% can sing their cultural anthem. That percentage might be attributed to the rise in adult literacy rate from 56.1% in 1991 to 79% in 2022 as an achievement of the NRM Government’s Universal Education System.

Nevertheless, the 42% singing is not a guarantee that the message is clearly understood and taken. There is no way you can unite Ugandans leaving one of the most uniting factors; the Anthem and the national symbol’s message not understood. Many Ugandans are very attached to their cultural norms and practices and isolate Uganda the nation where they ought to identify themselves as Ugandans.

They rather choose to identify themselves by their tribes which is dangerous given the country’s tribal diversity. In the cultural setting, people understand their cultural anthems and what they stand for which justifies the 9o% capability to sing it as indicated in the above paragraph.

The high Corruption rate, Poor service delivery, Individualism, Tribalism, Land conflicts Environmental degradation and Nepotism is a clear signal that many don’t understand the Anthem as a prayer full of love, togetherness, patriotism, teamwork, and peace.


Oh, Uganda! May God uphold thee,

we lay our future in thy hand. 

United free,

for liberty

Together we’ll always stand.


Oh, Uganda! The land of freedom.

Our love and labour we give,

And with neighbors all

 at our country’s call

In peace and friendship, we’ll live


Oh, Uganda the land that feeds us

By sun and fertile soil grown.

For our dear land, we’ll always stan,

The Pearl of African Crown

The three stanzas of the Anthem speak volumes, Uganda is a God-fearing country, there is no way you can work contrary to togetherness, liberty, peace, freedom, and above all love. If everyone understands each stanza and accepts to abide by what is said therein, Uganda will be a better country. We should embrace brotherhood, protect the environment to benefit both the poor and rich, a corruption-free country, protect the country’s national values, protect the youths, and above all love our country.

I suggest that;

  1. The government should orient its Citizens on the meaning of the national anthem through formal and informal teachings.
  2. Schools should make students appreciate the anthem rather than just knowing how to sing it and yet some words are not even sung well.
  3. During job interviews, it should be a requirement that the candidates should possess traits that are in support of the national anthem.
  4. The anthem should be translated in all local languages and for any national function in that region, it should be sung in that language.
  5. The national Anthem should be sung and not just listened to since the citizens nationwide haven’t grasped it hence singing it again and again will help many appreciate its meaning.
  6. In every office, the national anthem portrait should be included among other portraits.

Equipping Ugandans with knowledge of the national anthem will not only increase patriotism but also help to instate national culture and secure a better future for all generations of Ugandans for today and tomorrow

For God and my country

The Immunized Muzzukulu,

Nantume costa





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