BobiWine Should Not Show His Face At FDC’s 15 Anniversary – Uganda Police


The Inspector General of Uganda Police Force (UPF) Martin Okoth Ochola, has on Friday December, 13, 2019, issued strict guidelines for the Opposition Political Party Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) celebrations of their 15th anniversary.

Among the guidelines Ochola issued was restricting the party from inviting any non-member or else the celebrations will be cancelled.

The guidelines issued through Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesperson, Patrick Onyango, also include holding no procession to and from the celebrations venue, presenting clearance from venue owner and conformity to the Public Order Management Act (POMA) that prohibits unauthorized or impromptu gatherings.
“The celebrations should be held indoors. There should be no procession to and fro the venue. The anniversary should be restricted to only party members and should not be an open political rally,” Onyango said.

Police have also vowed to cancel the event slated for December 16, 2019 should the party turn the celebrations into an open political rally.

FDC was formed on December 16 in 2004 and will be marking 15 years of existence on Monday at Namboole, that is, if they meet police requirements.

FDC’S deputy Secretary General, Mr Harold Kaija scoffed at the conditions set for the party.

Nathan Nandala Mafabi, FDC Secretary General, wrote to IGP Ochola on November 11 notifying him about their intended anniversary celebrations.

“Notice is hereby given that the FDC will celebrate her 15th anniversary on December 16th at Mandela National Stadium. The event will be attended by hundreds of FDC leaders and members over the country,” Mr Nandala stated.
FDC informed IGP that the celebrations will be staged in the stadium’s main parking space.

Mr Nandala asked IGP to contact FDC in case he wanted more details about the scheduled event and venue.
Last month, several FDC supporters, including the former party president Dr Kizza Besigye were detained as they engaged in running battles with police that dispersed their conference at Namboole National Stadium.


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